Welcome to the Bird on the Hand booking system.

Please read the following information as that will make booking your date easy.

The desk or laptop booking software is clearer and easier to use than the smartphone version.

falconry experience voucher image

This shows you the important information on your Bird on the Hand supplied voucher. For other suppliers, Virgin and Into the Blue more instructions will follow.

Please familiarise yourself with the various element displayed in the image. In Particular “Your Voucher Type” as you can only use the booking system for

  • Bird on the Hand
  • Bird on the Hand (Child + Supervisor)
  • Owl on the Hand
  • Falconry Adventure
  • Owls By Night
  • Photography Experience Workshop
  • Virgin and Into the Blue but see specific instructions

Our other “Voucher Types” are the Kids Party, Money voucher and Private sessions Further instructions to follow.

Your first step is to create a new user login.

On a PC there is a “Sign In ” option at the top right of the window(Click Here to see the window – opens a new tab).

On a smartphone it is below the calendar display.

Calendar new account

Fill in the details as needed but please do enter your voucher number correctly including the hyphens e.g. B2323-BTH-11-123456.

You also need a valid email address as the system will send and email to you and you have to reply to activate your account.

Your mobile number is useful if we need to contact you on the day of the event.


Other Voucher Types

Virgin and Into the Blue

Your half day / 3 hour voucher equates to our Bird on the Hand sessions

The full day voucher equates to our Falconry Adventure sessions

If you have an owl experience it is our Owl on the Hand sessions

You can book onto the appropriate session following our standard instructions subject to the following notes.

Carefully put your serial or voucher number plus pin mumber into the box for our voucher number also adding the expiry date.

You need to book with us at least one week before your expiry but the event date can be after that. We will redeem it using a date prior to your expiry so you may get an email from Virgin or Into the Blue asking if you had a good time.

Spectators and additional participants are chargeable and you can add these using the info boxes in the booking. We will get in touch to sort out the payment.

Money vouchers

You can check the calendar to try and figure out a suitable date but you will have to call to book.

Vouchers for private sessions

Check the calendar for unallocated dates / spaces. If you find something suitable just email enq@birdonthehand.co.uk with the date or choice of dates, your name, phone number and voucher number and we can confirm if that is suitable and we will get it booked in and confirmed.

This is the Availability View of the calendar on a desktop PC

This view shows all the current availability on the sessions that are scheduled.

Note the participations column. That shows the total number of places on the session and the number of places already booked. So “5/6” indicates there is one of the 6 places free.

Calendar availability smartphone

This is the Availability View of the calendar on a Smartphone.

This view shows all the current availability on the sessions that are scheduled.

Note the column that shows the total number of places on the session and the number of places already booked. So “5/6” indicates there is one of the 6 places free.

Note the small blue calender icon bottom left below the list of available sessions. Clicking that takes you to the view described below.


This is the Week View of the calendar on a desktop PC


  • Patterned blocks are fully booked
  • The bracketed numbers show the number of available spaces
  • The titles will match you voucher
  • Tuesday and Wednesday are empty. If you have a private voucher we could probably book you in on those days.
  • On Thursday afternoon the session is empty. We could possibly change that to a private session.

This is the View of the calendar on a smartphone.


  • Patterned blocks are fully booked
  • The small circular icons  show multiple sessions and indicate if there are spaces
  • Some dates are empty. If you have a private voucher we could probably book you in on those days or if it is a couple of months ahead we may be able to add a new session.
Calendar expanded view

This shows the view of the 28th after clicking on that date.

  • The Falconry Adventure has spaces and if you click on that you can make a booking.
  • The bracketed numbers show the number of available spaces
  • The titles will match you voucher
  • The wedding is private and shows it is full.
calendar view of session detail

Stage one Create participation.

  • Click on Create New Participant
Stage 2 create participant

Stage Two Create Participation.

  • Fill in the details – make sure telephone and email are correct.

Very Important – this is the most queried part.

“Spectators on your voucher” is the number stated on your voucher.

“Spectators NOT included on voucher” applies if you want to add additional spectators or upgrade the voucher.

“Quantity” is the “Quantity” of participants listed on your voucher.

I think the rest is self explanatory and this continues to a second page which is easy as well.

Having saved the second section the sytem will send an email saying you booking has been accepted but is waiting confirmation. We then have to check this manually before confirming. If you don’t get the confirmationation within 24 hours please feel free to drop us an email to check all is well.