Photography Workshop With Birds of Prey
A full day photography workshop with birds of prey in the beautiful british countryside. Lead by expert wildlife photographer Andrew James. He’ll give you tips and tricks on how to get the best shot from your camera of these iconic creatures.
This photography workshop with birds of prey, led by Andrew James, is a unique opportunity to enhance your skills and get some great images.
Enjoy a day on our photography workshop with large selection of stunning birds of prey at a location that is pre-booked only. You will get the chance to photograph the birds both perched and flying in lovely natural countryside. This day is strictly limited to eight people to ensure all those taking part have a great opportunity to take some superb photos.
On hand to guide you is award-winning photographer Andrew James, who has spent over 30 years experience as a photographer and writer, including a long stint as editor-in-chief of Practical Photography magazine. An expert in photographic techniques across many disciplines, he’s a fount of knowledge on creative approaches to capturing just about any subject but he has a strong leaning to wildlife and nature photography.
Andrew has inspired thousands of enthusiasts across the world with his talks, photography workshops withbops and magazine articles. He is a specialist leader for travel company Natural World Safaris, created and runs and has guided photo expeditions from the frozen wastes of Antarctica to the colourful streets of Cuba. He also contributes regularly to Digital Camera Magazine.
Dates currently available are:
Current Dates for 2025
- Saturday 7th June
Cost £164 per participant (maximum attending is eight)
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You can add a note to your order to indicate if you want to book a particular date.
Our photography with birds of prey. About the day
Our collection of birds of prey includes Red Kite, Ferruginous Buzzard, Redtailed Buzzard, Siberian Eagle Owl, Harris hawk, Eurasian Eagle Owl, Vermiculated Eagle Owl, Barn Owl, Peregrine Falcon, Gyrfalcon, Lanner Falcon, Tawny Eagle, Steppe Eagle, Great Grey Owl, Brown Wood Owl, Snowy Owl, Barn Owl, Kestrel and Burrowing Owls and we will select the best of these to suit conditions on the day.
Which specific species will be photographed on the day will depend on weather conditions and the temperament of an individual bird to conditions. For this reason we have to remain flexible and in all circumstances the welfare of the birds come first.
Hello Andrew
A grand day out photographing birds of prey.
First time here for the photography experience, and it won’t be my last! A super day and thanks to the friendly and relaxed atmosphere, suitable for all skill levels of photographer. Starting with some static set-ups before moving on to flying the birds, everyone could get to grips with different techniques thanks to the advice of the professional photographer, Andrew.
Gear requirements
A great deal of care will be taken to ensure the birds and the environment they are in look as natural as possible. The following are my recommendations for equipment for our photography workshop with birds of prey. For further advice please email me using the contact form:
- Digital SLR, Compact System Camera or Bridge camera with manual control.
- A lens that allows you to stand back from the birds and still fill the frame is needed so a minimum focal length of 200mm is best, although you may get the chance for some wider shots too.
- Tripods are NOT allowed when working in a group and are generally unnecessary anyway. You may, however, use a monopod with your long lens.
- A beanbag can prove handy for low level shots but is not an essential item.
- Please wear suitable clothes. Expect to get a bit muddy or even damp so over trousers and a jacket are useful.
- You will not be walking far but a pair of boots is recommended as the grass may be damp.